Friday, December 2, 2011


there's something so beautiful, so breath taking... about the simple things.

photography by me. :) 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Like My Coffee Black.. & White..

Photographed by me...

Hair Raisers...

WOW. now thats talent...

this was just one of their many music "mash ups" ...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Shape Shifters..

Its so amazing how leaves change with the seasons...
they should be called chameleons 
But what's so beautiful about them is how they can take form of other things..
into firey flames...

or purple grapes..

  and yellow snow flakes! 

... Photography By Me! 

Thursday, November 3, 2011


The greatest schemer of them all is Mother Nature!!
 If you want to learn how to put colors together that compliment each other or blend beautifully... 
just take a walk outside!
 She's inspiration at its best!

Happy Fall to all! 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Daily Indulgences...

Intel Videos are my new chocolate cake.. every week I feel like I stumble across a new intriguing intel video! I found this once about 2 weeks ago! - so inspiring!! Hope you all enjoy

Monday, October 24, 2011

Until the last leaf falls...

Until the last leaf falls,
I'll enjoy it all...
the reds, the browns, the orange + yellow...
I'll patiently wait to tell winter, Hello.

Friday, October 14, 2011

They aren't the cure for cancer... but they come PRETTY darn close...

Today I unlocked the secret to the perfect brownie cookie!!! They are to die for!!
Just the perfect amount of brownie + the perfect amount of cookie...
I added the pink sprinkles in light of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
 I wish you all could taste the chocolatety goodness I created... 

Well... no.. I lied. They taste better when they're all to my self!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Photographs By ME! :)  (for a special photography project. wish me luck!!)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

30 s3coNDs BeF()r3 th3 suN g0eS DOwN...

Photographs by me. (click on image to see larger)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Th3 BEST thiNG ab()uT V0LcaNo's...

These are my little chocolate monsters! 
What should have taken 30 minutes evidently took me 3 hours. But ohhhh how delishhh-ious were these little chocolate molten lava cakes!! 

*made from scratch with a little bit of love. :)  

Sunday, September 11, 2011

sO MucH PAIN in thiS w()rLd...

There is so much pain in this world. We're blinded by heroism and honor when in reality life outside our idealist bubble is not so glamourous after all..

 James Nachtwey captures it all... Capturing pain + agony through the lens of his camera making something so horrid look in some way soooooo beautiful... 


... so heart breaking. 
check out more of his photo's on google. (all so beautiful but I promise your heart will ache... God bless their souls)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

DaR3 t() DreaM...


Photo's by me!
Click on Photo's to see larger *in full effect

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Characters WELCOMED...

        Starting at a new school means new staff!
To kill the time i sharpened my drawing by casually noting the profiles of my professors for the semester.
 Each color to signifies how I perceived their personalities on the first day.
First Impressions ARE every thing. 

My favorite thing to do in the world is to observe people!
They are literally walking story books...wether its the spicy spanish teacher with the heavy accent or the psychology teacher with the questionable sanity, they
all are characters!

sure, sure... 
they aren't the colorful crazy characters that we all grew to love in IARC, 
but they will do for now. :)  

Thursday, August 18, 2011


 My most recent love affair is with photography!... and who better to satisfy my need than with Fernando!! .... 
Thats my new camera of course! 

Everyone meet Fernando Manuello Hector Canon.
He is amazing, my very own clyde! 
we're a team. 
and for the rest of my days Fernando and I are going anywhere and every where... 

I had to give Roe (my likkle robot pin a debut) 

yesssss i drew on an egg. :) ... 
its guna be so funny when my nana finds that one haha
