Friday, August 17, 2012

S() L0NG SUMM3R...

I hate to say it... but I wont be sad to see this summer go.
A Summer is full of laughs, sun, nature.. and in my case the BEACH!! :D ... yes I had all of those things, but for some strange reason I can say that I've had better summer days.
I found this ad in a magazine and fell in love with it. It quotes "repeat after me.. I.AM.FREE." << PERFECT SUMMER QUOTE.
Because this ad was entirely black and white, i decided to add a little life.. using color.
This piece was extremely time consuming. I chose the colors completely off of summer colors, entirely with pens... yes! i said pens. I wanted to explore a different media other than water color.

Each Layer represents a day in summer

Monday, August 13, 2012


So Beautiful. So Native. Sooooo Traditional. 

... If you ever drop by, dont leave until you spot a Bermudian Gombey.