7 Days of ME
I promise my life isnt as crazy in a week as it looks in this piece! >> its indeed much crazier!! : ) I created this piece with a black inky pen and coloured pens! go figure! In my first week back I happened to: find twenty bucks! buy a new pair of jeans, grocery shop at walmart (i love skippy peanut butter!), listen to my tunes (music makes the world go round), got my favorite cookies and cream frapp at tate street coffeeology, brought back my best friend [quincy]'s mums' delicious chocolate chip cookies, dyed my hair, made a new nail color! ( it chipping but yes.. 2 weeks later and I still have it on!) , & bought a cute necklace from my favorite apparel store> forever 21

Your work is always brilliant. I love your style, and your use of color. You certainly took this project to a whole new level, and captured the essence of the magazine layout.