I have a confession :
I have been back home for the summer for almost a month and some change and the first time i opened my sketch book was about a week ago! :s
Due to the recent discovery of the neglect that i have shown towards my sketch book, pens, chart pack etc.. I have been followed by an ugly cloud of guilt.
But do you want to know what the most ANNOYING thing is about this whole situation is??
I was surrounded by beaches, the most interesting characters to sketch and the most gorgeous colors of summer and I still had not found the inspiration to motivate me enough to pick up my inky pen and draw or even BLOG! Until I found this photo that I had taken months ago in the studio, at my desk of a few of my favorite things... If you ever want to know me as a person or designer... this photo SCREAMS it all.
1. My inky pens: I never go any where with out them. If they havent got ruined in the wash from their normal vacation spot in the pockets of my jeans, you can usually find them in my satchel or the crafty "sleeping bags" that you see in the photo above. The pen is a huge part of my technique of design because one of the most wonderful professors that I have ever had (suzzane c.), never allowed us to use pencil... TALK ABOUT GIVING ME A HEART ATTACK! All i ever used where pencils, because of the security of an eraser! Using a pen has shaped and formed me into a much more confident and skilled drawer. And I must admit that when I go to draw... well LEISURELY draw I only use pens!
2. My paint brushes and My pocket sized water color traveling set!: This one is short and sweet.. If you already know me you know that I ADORE WATER COLORS! and if you dont know me.. well now you know! :)
3. My Creative Couture Case: i refer to it as "case" because I think it is supposed to be a pencil or paint brush case but I use it for everything else: like storing my paints or my wire cutters :s. I chose to point out the case because I felt that it is the one object in the photo that explains me the best. On the outside you find hot pink white and lime green stripes: which are vibrant, attention grabbing and are complementary colors (in a sense that hot pink is close to red but any way)... On the inside you'll find polka dots: which is extremely unexpected but can come off as refreshing. (it gives you a break from the busy look of the stripes).
That is how I feel many people critique my style of design and me as a person: I design in mind that it must be attention grabbing and aesthetically pleasing to the eye but I always take the time to add something daring, or unexpected, a piece of me in a sense. I'd like to think of it as no longer stepping outside of the box but simply "demolishing the box and using the lines to make my own shape" but in easier terms its just me daring to be different!
ohhhhh how this one simple photo sparked a forest fire of creativity in my beach filled brain for the summer. Now all I need is the time to do it all!
.. & Here's to CREATIVITY :) cheers!