As a prominent fashion lover, I often buy magazines such as vogue, seventeen, cosmo girl & teen vogue. After indulging in all of its retail pleasures I sort the magazines into brand, month and year : basically i'm a collector of fashion magazines!
Beyond the fact that I collect magazines, I have created a hobby out of making collages out of magazine cut outs.
I have named the collage below : concrete jungle
Along with magazine ads, I used permanent marker to add detail, dried vein leaves and dead flowers from the corsage that I wore to my 2007 junior prom
I used this photo because I loved the deep colors and how its grundy look contrasted against the pink roses. The dark feel also compliments the fact that I used dead flora.

I kept the basis of the colage black and white to emphasize the "concrete"
I adore how realistic the girl looks in this photo.. how the light hits her hair. Such a strong photo for such a simple collage... this has got to be one of my most favorite collages yet!
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