Friday, November 12, 2010

ALt3RnaTiV3s [SUMmARY]

Corry Mears

Jessica Wilson

Anna Behrendt

 The Alternatives unit encompasses the stylized Gothic and Renaissance periods. Corry refers to Layman's terms by reiterating the fact that design is emulating something that has "already been built in society and altering it to create something new, yet refined." Foundations are what we build upon but on those foundations we make alternatives for the entire world to see and the alternatives are still with us today. They just get translated so differently that we have the mindset that it's something completely different but really it's still home to some of those roots from previous eras. 
Breaking rules, and designing out the box is what Jessica feels the Alternatives unit is about. An Alternative is a "new wave of design  and architecture that reflected a new sense of style [which emulates the foundations which came before the present time], that will carry both the past and the present with it. Landscape,materials,nature and people all play an important role in design.. and Jessica does An excellent job at  pointing out that these periods we see design encompassing all aspects of every day life... its "a breathe of fresh air in terms of how architecture and design influenced other objects or articles around it . 
When looking at this unit over all, Anna sums up this unit by referring to design as thinking outside the box. Design is something that takes what has already been done, alters it, and completely changes the meaning from where it originated. 

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