Tuesday, March 29, 2011

CaPana BR()tH3Rs...

This dynamic duo is my new found OBSESSION. 
Fernando + Hurberto Campana 

their native brazilian design style feeds my design soul and my love for indigenous prints. 

T()ast PL3aSeee...

Because I'd love to spread these jam jar filled buttons all over my toast and 

such a cute + efficient way to recycle and store loose or lost buttons :) 

G0 PRo..

Mac Book Pro.
just for laughs. Hope it worked. :) 

s0m3thiNG S0oo siMPL3...

can mean so much.
 could be so big.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

InK3D... [Stella Im HultBerg]

I've been meaning to blog about this artist for so long... I came across her work years ago
Her technique is so unique... so beautiful
Of course Im a fan of the "splats" or dots (I use them to add character to my own work) but what blows my mind is that she uses ink to create these beautiful master pieces. 

H0n3Y SucKL3 P!nK ... [ The color of the year ]

who knew that there is a "color of the year"?? ...well i surely didn't!

However, you would already assume that I was aware of this because I have been completely obsessed with the color for the past few months!
[well.. maybe the pink im obsessed with is a little more on the neon side... but this sweet shade of pink is just as yummy!]

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Th3 C0LoR Of HapPiN3SS...




photographed at the chicago museum of modern art.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Wh3Re Th3 waT3R is Gr3En...



the windy city photographed by me.

T3a f0R 1..

ughhh... adorable much??
I found it and literally passed out!
unfortunately.. I did not buy it
I'm a coffee fein not much of a tea drinker..

& Wh0 s/\iD B0oks Ar3n'T to b3 wRiTT3n iN...

A good book... for a creative mind.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011




Gr0Up ReFL3cTi0N...

I have once heard that two heads is better than one...
Well three can definitely be stressful.
Now we become six.
In our last studio class we were challenged to have a hour charrette with two different groups and I realized... Larger things bring challenge.
We were to come together as two different groups with two different designs and collaborate creating one cohesive and successful design
For the first hour my group mates and I met with three other students and found similarities instantly. The concepts, ideas and design approaches all spoke the same language which was exciting and relieving.  
Unfortunately we did not have the same success with the second group. It was extremely difficult to find any commonalities. 
Even though we do not get to pick our own groups ultimately in the end this charrette was a learning experience. 
There will always be differences but if you sit down and map out ideas you will be able to see the common interests and similarities.
It was a different experience than I am usually used to and it definitely put us back into the swing of things.

Below are my scanned sketchbook pages of the two charrettes.   

Caravaggio + Evolve

click on image to see larger

front section

Caravaggio + Allure

click on image to see larger

front section

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wh3Re's WaLDo - CHair Edition..

The beauty and fashion of contemporary style furniture not only interest interior designers but also captures the eye of set designers and producers. Providing tasteful eye-catching pieces to furnish and enrich their sets.
Even though I fall under the designer demographic, I must admit that I’m a little obsessed with chairs… more than I should be and it is always a treat when I recognize a chair in a movie or music video.
Here’s a little “where’s waldo” game I started 
(i'm continuously looking out for famous chairs)
I put a few images below of chairs that I have recognized a music video or movie. 

White Barcelona Couch by Mies Van Der Rohe in Edward Cullen's Room from the teenage love flick Twilight.

Mies Van Der Rohe's Barcelona Chair in White from the horror film Silent Hill.


Indigo Peacock Chair from the Dror Studio in New York, featured in Rihanna's S+M music video.

Bistro Chair No.14 by Michael Thonet in Beyonce + Lady GaGa's Video phone music video.



The black Ghost Chair by Philippe Stark in Regina Spektor's Fidelity.