This is a pictorial view of my model that i created on sketch up, after i have placed the model in my section of the window.

This is the frontal view of my model that i have created on sketch up.

This shows the back view of my model to help correspond how I created my actual model.

This is an angular view of my model. This version shows the depth of the card board, how far the outter pieces stick out from the center insert, as well as it shows how far the bottle bottoms and the caps stick out from the card board inserts.

This is a front view model of the sketchup version of my last project. I must admit i wanted to strangle the person who invented sketch up but i finally got the hang of it and i think it came out pretty well.

This is a perspective view of my project. The piece is composed of three sections of card board; scored and placed together. With bottle caps and green and clear bottle bottoms. In this diagram it depicts where my piece is actually placed on the I.A.R.C first year wall. yes. it does sit slightly to the left of the pillar it rests in front of. [no i did not place it in the actual window. YET. i have yet to become that skilled at sketch up]
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