Friday, December 21, 2012

TeA, M/\Ri3 + D()iLi3s

Baroque was a stylistic period designed to capture your attention through emotion and the senses using architectural theatrics. 
Marie Antoinette’s room, which is located in the Chateau Fontainebleau in France, establishes a very theatrical view on interiors. It was not only a space that is a part of history but speaks the design language of Baroque and reflects her wealth and taste through its architecture.
This bloom of patterning and motifs gives new life to the meaning of design and links the worlds of man and nature through the stroke of a single paintbrush. This space exhibits balance and symmetry in its most fluid form.
Design elements of line and form help to break up the busy patterning in the space into familiar sections of floor, wall + ceiling. The repetition of delicate shapes and motifs help to form the space it self.  Color, texture and value of light are manipulated to give the contrast between light and dark, which captures the eye and the viewer’s attention. 
This room brings a feeling of harmonic unity in the midst of chaos by its delicate patterns and shapes that hold it all together.
Marie Antoinette’s room is like a paper doily… beautiful and delicate, capturing Mother Nature’s femininity and gilding it with Baroques paintbrush. 

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