Thursday, January 20, 2011

[W12] - 3sSAys...

A building is an inanimate object that we cannot ignore, yet in our every day activities we do not take notice of them at all. “We seem to spend most of our time either inside a building or in transit between buildings,”[18] however we do not take the time to appreciate the nature of their design.
As designers we must design beyond the formalities of function and aesthetics and begin to consider the people and activities that will take place within them.
The ultimate goal is to provide design features to enhance and enrich the building experience… something memorable.
“Depending on how apparent these qualities are” determines if we pay attention or not. 

In every building built there are certain activities that take place within them and there is a particular importance in figuring out relationships between humans and their environments.  
I have begun to design 3 very different residential spaces based off of the same word which is: Bubble

Bubble •  [bub-el]; a globular body of air formed with liquid,  made of soap + water.

From that word I established words that are derived from it or came to mind in light of it. Out the 30 words, I chose my 3 favorite and allocated a kit and a space to each. 

Space 1 : Kit C : "Pop"
This 11' x 32' -4' space was extremely limited to design not only because it is fairly small but because two columns and a wall had to be cleverly incorporated into it. Because of the fact that the space is so small, I chose the word pop to portray the pops or "bubble" areas of space that I allocated for the kitchen, bedroom + bathroom. Within this specific space I would categorize these area's as domains. This is because the nature of the space and the way it is navigated through. 
The rendering of this space has been inspired by minimalist designer Zaha Hadi. The bland white of minimalism, paints opportunity for pops of outrageous colors, sporadically yet intentionally placed around the home. 
I also wanted to create the feel of a futuristic space, which lies within a surreal bubble that juxtaposes idea’s of the naturalistic world outside of those four walls. 

Space 2 : Kit B : "Childlike"
Childlike is a word that allowed me to play around with the space and create a fun, functional and livable home. I immediately envisioned oversized furniture…
And was inspired by Marcel Wanders’ Mondorian South Beach Hotel: “the palace for sleeping beauty.”
 The opportunity to alter the ceiling also helped with the shaping of this adults' play ground. I manipulated the navigation of the space to mimic the spherical shape of a bubble and help define the eating, sleeping and other activity regions of the box like home.

Space 3 : Kit A : "Delicate"
The final space is significantly larger than the previous spaces. 
..Because it is so large I wanted to challenge my self by trying to portray the biggest as something delicate. To achieve this I used a play on words and created design elements based off of them.
Floating stairs, a hovering loft and glass as a material all help to define the delicate character of the space. 

D3siGneR Bi() - refined + revised "guess who" post.

As a young designer it is important to stand out from the rest... to find a style which defines who you are within the world of design. 
Your identity is like a color in a room... a print, a shape. You give the room a personality leaving behind your d.n.a within the very paints of the walls. 

Now that I am well into my second year of design I would say that I can be defined with a slight recognizable style and would say that I am well known by my peers for my hand. Watercolor + and pencils draw the box of my comfort zone and even though I am comfortable there I have decided to erase those lines and venture out to discover new talents.
   In order for me to establish a concrete identity I must set designer goals and strive to accomplish them. Realistically I would like to master every aspect of design but I will start by renovating my weak area's... starting with time management.
 Within the last week I have observed my habits and can now confirm that I am the greatest procrastinator that you will ever meet. 
Once I get down to work I am easily distracted and I tend to work slowly due to the fact that I am tedious with everything. The combination of all of those traits might scream disaster...but love for design, dedication, and thirst to be the best I can be, sings a tune of brilliance.

 Even though I am one of the last to appreciate the art of hand crafted design I have opened up to giving technology a chance. I have already started by committing to a independent study which involves the responsibility of working a laser cutter and 3d printer every friday afternoon. From this experience I have learned a valuable lesson... computers are not the ultimate evil.

In order to become a great designer it is important to find the balance between hand crafted design and technology... if you get those aspects just right there is opportunity to become the very best the world has ever seen.

... and that is one goal that I am willing to achieve. 

SpACiaL NaRRaTiV3s...

Space 1
With eyelids filled with darkness you feel around looking for the edge of the bed. As your feet find the ground your eyes fly open. The cool, smoothness of the plastic white ground did the job that your alarm clock could not… wake you up.  For half a second it has been forgotten where you are as you gaze out the many windows that stand against the long wall in front of your bed.
The world outside is entirely different from what is within. As the sun rises it shines through the faces of green leaves that press up against the glass. You slip back in to reality and acknowledge the surreal space around you.
On either side of this raised bubble of space, known as the bedroom, was a set of three stairs. To the left was a half wall that led to the bathroom. And to the right was a gateway between two pillars that led to the heart of the home… the kitchen. 
Its artificial walls blended with the ceiling and floors as if they were two soap bubbles that clung together. Its white color gave the space a squeaky clean feeling.
They say that the best things come in small packages. And this tiny space was the perfect pop of home.

Space 3 
As she dodges hundreds of mud puddles the rain attacked her black umbrella. A feeling of safety runs through her fingertips as she grasped the bronze door handle, and brushed across the threshold.
She shook off any intruders as she closed the umbrella and dropped it in the umbrella stand…
The warmth of the walls reached out to embrace her as if to welcome her home. Soft earth toned colors of green and brown hugged the nudes and popped off the floral prints.  She took a deep breath as if she were taking in the scent of the honey suckle flowers embroidered on the pillows that sat at the door on the chase where she performs the daily ritual of putting on and taking off her shoes.
Just beyond the entrance way the kitchen lay straight ahead. With a flick of a switch the stainless steel danced with the light as if on cue. The deep ominous colors of the cabinets lured her deeper into the kitchen leading her to the fully equipped island as if it was refuge in a sea of pots and pans. 

Generally the typical island is covered with sand and palm trees but this one had a sink, counter top stove, and a built in fridge. She smacked her lips in anticipation for the meal to come and reached for a pot hanging from above.
   While waiting for the sauce to simmer she panned around the room figuring out what she could do to pass the time. Flashes of lightening created frightening silhouettes behind the fogged glass wall of the corner bathroom… So she chose not to venture in that direction. She wandered to the open living area weaving between the furniture then, she stopped.
The two items on her glass coffee table had captured her attention: the remote and a book that she had been avoiding. As she reached for the remote the voice of thunder murmured outside. She snatched up the book and headed back past the kitchen and floated up the stairs.

Hovering over the entire space, it was in her own personal bubble where she felt most at home, transparent, yet secure. Right before she delicately climbed into her bed she peered just beyond the glass wall. A feeling of disappointment immediately embedded the sheets.
She has to leave her bubble because she realized… she had forgotten about the sauce!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ch/\nN3L y()ur D3sigN...

I think this is a much better use for a television!  D()nt you??
When it comes to design we must become innovative... think out side the box! or in this case use the box.
Clever design comes from improving existing design. :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

H3Ad iN Th3 Cl()uds...

[click on image to see it larger] 

 I HATE flying but I just adore airports!
The people you meet and see. Just think about it! They come from all over the world and every one you see has a story. 
ohhhh the places you can go with out ever leaving the airport. 

 I drew + water colored this over the winter break.
... but I feel that today is the perfect day to post it...
With all of the projects I have coming up, school just started and I'm trying to juggle everything under the sun... it just seems like I do everything but what I need to do!! 
Procrastination is distractions' second cousin and I think they both moved in with me.. :s 


 officially cant keep my head out of the clouds. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gu3sS Wh()... [in the process of rendering my designer identity]

With in the world of design there are many colors, shapes, prints and objects which define the personality of a room.  
If I where a room I'd consist of stripes, polka dots, sparkles, and all kinds of animal prints. < I know. It sounds like a mess but as a young designer I am still in the process of establishing my designer identity. 
According to a valid test I am considered a "Strong Originator," an unconventional risk taker, with a do it my self attitude, who breaks the rules when I feel it is necessary. Ughhh AGREED! 

 A piece of paper my have pointed out a few traits that I unconsciously knew about but...

So far I can personally say that as a designer: 

I appreciate every color under the sun.
I'm obsessed with chairs
I adore the past time of water coloring.
I love to mesh different prints together.
I have a tendency to be tedious : it is a blessing as well as my curse.
I'm one of the best procrastinator's you will ever come across 
And I always manage to do the opposite of everyone else 
[ most of the time that isn't planned. My brain just interprets things differently. :s ]  

But this semester will be different... Every thing that I am uncomfortable with I will strive to master. That means that the #1 goal on my list: Become a "Computer Geek" 
I'm terribly afraid of them! Something in the back of my mind echoes that they are evil! And somedays I believe that they are. [ especially when they delete nearly completed projects or shut down on me when i'm working on something extremely important!] But never -the-less, at the end of this semester I will not fear the squares of evil. 
Accompanying this new friendship with computers will be the acceptance of markers + group projects... and somewhere close by, "hovering" , is the idea that I will be extremely organized and will have great time management skills aka NO MORE MRS PROCRASTINATOR!

wish me luck! 

image from :

Sunday, January 9, 2011

T!ps F()r BabY SiTtiNG... haha

A child's basic needs! 
... According to Gru from the movie Despicable Me!
haha.. i'm still a child at heart because 
that is definitely one of my favorite movies!

TrY t() waLk a M!l3 iN th3sE kiCkS!

The other day my mom was in my room and she was taken by surprise at the six inch sparkly pink heels [far left] that I had worn on new years eve. She could not believe that I wore them for over 5 seconds! 
then.. the question arose in my head... why do we as women go through the pains of wearing "delicate instruments of torture?? 
 Maybe its because we're "supposed" to. 
Orrrrr its because they make my legs look amazingly great!! < they do. but that still doesn't answer my question!!
 I guess 
...The world may never know...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

GaSPinG F()r Air...

I have discovered a new Love!
These paintings by Sarah Harvey have taken my breath away!

.... ughhh did i mention that these where PAINTINGS!
simply amazing. She has a gift from God.

Th3 G()LD LAB3L.

My good friend the Shoe REMIXER,
 Perri Furbert a.k.a Perri.Gold...
is a person to keep your eye on. 
She is an aspiring shoe designer and she's "gunna" make it big time.
He keen eye for popular trends in fashion gives her the cutting edge she needs to stay at the top in the industry and her tactic to make every shoe unique and customized is going to keep her there.
I can definitely say that I am Proud!

Rose Petal + Gold Chains

 All these staple black heels needed was an oversized bow..
 and they went from blending in to taking the show. 

"Fashi()N iS ARCH!CT3CTURE... it is a matter of proportions" - Coco Chanel

One of my FAVORITE models... doing what she does best!

The Block Magazine

Issue #22 Summer 2010

Hey Pretty Baby With The High Heels On
Model: Chanel Iman
Photographer: Doug Inglish

Sunday, January 2, 2011

a BER-MU-DI-FUL day :)

21 square miles long.
1 and 1/2 miles wide.
Sometimes I get frustrated with the size of this island.
Nothing to do. No where to go. and you know EVERYONE and their mother.
Its days like theses where I am reminded of how blessed I am to have been born and raised in this 
Beautiful Country

Saturday, January 1, 2011

AnTiCip/\ti()n iN its Simpl3St foRm...

After watching Eat.Pray.Love over this christmas break
 I have adapted the "appreciation"of [the sweetness of doing nothing.]
However sweet things occasionally turn bitter
 and I actually miss
the over baring, over worked, over tired 
days in which I endure throughout the school year.
[Its an understatement when I say 
that I have officially sold my soul to my major.]

....Deleted work from evil computers, 24 hour cold studio conditions and afternoon naps on my desk:

I'll be seeing you in a week! ;)