Friday, April 30, 2010

S!n CiTY... ((SK3TCHinG ScavEnG3R HUnT))

Grandpa Swinger - (( this is a 1950's Dodge Swinger))

The things you do for love...
this is my pimped out 1950's DODGE SWINGER "Bonnie & Clide-Mobile"
Im OBSESSED with old black and white action or historical movies, so when the opportunity to pick a car o pimp out was given I searched for cars that are featured in my favorite genre of movies! I tried to give it a sin city feel because I love the cars and feel of that movie. I chose to make it red because red is the color of passion....and Passionate emotions are always the most exciting!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


H/\Rd LiViNG : I have designed a grundgy, fashion forward studio apartment strictly designed for photographer STEVEN MEISEL
This is a photo from Vogue magazine shot by Steven Meisel in 2007 for their fall prints collection. I was inspired by his work entirely and created patterns & color schemes from many of his photographs
This is a color scheme that I created from the photograph shot of the woman above
This grundy photo: also shot by Steven, was one of the main insiprations for the materials that I had chosen to use in the "studio apartment" that I have designed.
Above is a double page sketch book spread that I had done strictly Steven Meisel inspired. I created 7 different color schemes from the 7 different photos that where shown in the 2007 Vogue spread
I created my vision and design of my Steven Meisel inspired studio apartment on Sketch up: a computer program that is designed to build.
An arial view of the bedroom loft which is elevated on a wooden platform and closed off with tinted retractable glass doors. Also this shot shows the entrance way to the photography studio that has a built in catwalk.
Another arial view of : the loft, photography studio #1 & 2, as well as the bathroom
Over all, Stevens harsh - couture style photography inspired all aspects and elements of of design process. I decided to use tough, practical building materials such as brick, cement, glass and steel to give the apartment a more masculine feel. I embraced & celebrated these building materials using them in the key factor of my design. I wanted to use the harsh look as a part of the decoration: "Celebrating the foundation." Because sometimes the body of the structure is the most beautiful... and i'd rather not hide that part.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

F()r Th3 L0v3 Of C()fF3eeeee .... (( SK3TcHInG ScaVEnGEr HunT ))

This is the place I decided to sketch for clue one. If you know me well you know that Im addicted to coffee!!! : Venti, White Chocolate Mocha, Iced!... NO WHIP CREAM! There is the one black girl with short hair and glasses. She always wears a hat. you cant miss her! ... : | >>> Lets just say I think I age 10 years every tuesday. I decided to sketch on the brown paper bag that they always pack my bagel in (( just because a blue berry bagel [with butter] is such an important factor in the field trips that Dajana, Daniel and I always make to starbucks)) ... Do you see the largest sketch at the top of a girl?? >> Well all I have to say is mission accomplished! I had been siting directly across from her.. and I noticed that she noticed that I was sketching her... after about 8 minutes of txting, closing her eyes ((i guess she was trying to wish the creepy art girl away)) and PRETENDING to study.. she packed up her things and left!! I would have to say that, that was the first time I have actually scared someone away. It only took me the entire freshmen year... but I would say a job well done! LOL... I decided to name this piece for the love of coffee because I you haven't noticed yet... there is a long line of people at the bottom of my sketch book page....(( its an understatemet...))

Sk3Tch!nG 1()1 >>> (( Skectching Scavenger Hunt))

This is sketch clue number one:
The first public space on campus that i would say is probably my favorite is the lecture room in the Wither Spoon Museum. This is where my art 101 class is. I adore art, architecture and I love a little dry humor!! >> Dr.Richard Gantt is my professor and he is the reason why I enjoy attending every single class on Tuesdays and Thursdays!! I know, I know, its kinda disturbing that I actually look forward to going to a History class!!
He's good at his job and he is very professional. The thing that I love most are the little stories that he always has with each artist, piece of art or an architectural monument.
In the sketch, there are kids in the front row (awake), Kids in the back row (napping) , and funny little quotes and rules that we made up especially for this class.
If you ever take art 101 with Dr. Gantt... NEVER leave the class to blow your nose, NEVER go to the bathroom, and DONT YOU DARE COME INTO CLASS: he will crush you. He said that he will fight to the death.. and look.. He's still here.
The combination of his interesting little stories and his dry; but not intentional humor make me an excellent student in his class. (( Thank you Dr. Gantt))

P.s >> play on words.... I named it Sketching 101 for a reason! enjoy.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


This is an extra credit water color piece that I have done for my drawing class... This is a perspective that is looking down gray drive from the top stair of the fountain outside of the caf!... P.s my Scale figure is my hunie pie NEDDIE! :D >> (Dajana Nedic)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

()n ALL FOuRS...

Furniture designed by MOI!! :) > believe it or not... this was done with my trusty dusty chart pack markers, pencil crayons and a pen!!! > A-MA-ZING right????!!?